What is Rhema (ῥήματι)?

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (ῥήματι) that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

‘The logos is universal for all humanity, while any intellectual changes for a specific individual believer are categorized as rhema. Under this system, “rhema” is a broad term that includes many types of spiritual interaction. Rhema is the general term that refers to the Word, God uses in communicating His specific will to an individual.” Bill Hamon states “A rhema is an inspired Word birthed within your own spirit, a whisper from the Holy Spirit like the still, small voice that spoke to Elijah in the cave. It is a divinely inspired impression upon your soul, a flash of thought or a creative idea from God. It is conceived in your spirit, but birthed into your natural understanding by divine illumination. A true rhema carries with it a deep inner assurance and witness of the Spirit. Citing John 1:1,14 Bill Hamon holds “Jesus was the eternal Word revealed and manifest in mortal flesh” and can be called by the personal name “Logos”. Citing Timothy 2:15 Hamon defines the less personal usage “logos” as “the Scriptures as a whole”. He defines rhema as “a specific word from the Lord that applies it to us individually. …The Logos is like a well of water, and the rhema is a bucket of water from that well. …Truth is truth, and the Logos and rhema are one with God.” The logos “is the standard of all truth…the rhema, [is that] which provides the precise word needed for the specific situation. All Christians must live by the logos and receive the rhema as needed.” Under this definition the method of receiving rhemas “may come by many ways. A rhema may come while reading the Bible, as God quickens a certain text, or it may come to us through the spoken words of another person. The reference is not to the whole Bible as such, but to the individual scripture which the Spirit brings to our remembrance for use in time of need, a prerequisite being the regular storing of the mind with scripture”. Hamon, expounding on Romans 10:17, goes on to say that a rhema is “that timely, Holy Spirit-inspired Word from the Logos that brings life, power, and faith to perform and fulfil it…[it] must be received with faith by the hearer in order for it to fulfil its mission.’ Source: Wikipedia.

It is with such Rhema Word, God has been “calling” me with all these titles: Christ, Jesus, Bridegroom, Son of David, Capstone, Lion+Lamb, Beloved, Expected One, etcetera. I am sharing this with the hope that the church will receive it as good news.

Foolproof Mechanism for receiving Rhema

Bro. Bakht Singh and his co-workers taught the Church to get the rhema of God or the will of God in daily portions as you read the Bible one chapter a day from Genesis to Revelation.

I for one do not agree with that approach. Allow me to explain, using a real life scenario.

I asked a friend, how he found the will of God for one particular important decision in life. He said he began reading the Bible from Matthew onwards one chapter a day and finally he found God’s will (a ‘Yes’) when he came to the book of Romans. I told him there would have been a hundred ‘No’ verses from God between Matthew and Romans. He had wishfully ignored those ‘No’ verses and clung to the ‘Yes’ verse in Romans. You see, that method is not the correct method to get the Rhema or find God’s will. (But i am not denying that God, in His compassion, provides His Rhema through that method as well.)

The foolproof mechanism is as follows: Section out the 66 books of scripture into few sections, each identified with a distinct spirit. Then on any specific issue for which you want the will of God (Rhema), open one of those sections at random. And the verse or paragraph that your eye falls on is the Rhema. Lord Jesus Christ Himself found His “Calling” in this manner (Luke 4:16-21). It is not childish. It is a child-like faith.

Note: For this mechanism to work, you need to be pure, since only pure people will see the face of God (Matthew 5:8; cf. John 1:1). Purity begins when you wash all your sins in the Waters of Baptism. And you continue in purity through the Footwashing ordinance, as you introspect (examine yourself) on a regular basis around the Lord’s Table/Communion/Eucharist.

And if on any particular day the Rhema is, “Judas hung himself” and another subsequent Rhema is, “You do likewise,” be ready like Abraham (who offered up his son) to offer yourself at the altar—God is testing you. Just as God provided for Abraham a substitute, he may do likewise for you as well. Or like Hannah’s Samuel, God may be wishing to use you in His ministry. Remember, one who does not hate one’s own life is not worthy of being His disciple (Luke 14:26).

May God bless you with His Rhema! Amen!

My Good for Jesus

“For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer.” — Rhema thru Hebrews 8:3.

“When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” — Rhema thru Ephesians 4:8.

Augmented Persona, Metaverse/AR, IoT, Cloud Community are my inventions/gifts. 

More at: Person2.ai | AgapeTie.com | AgapeKingdom.com

AgapeJUST World Government (eThrone)

Artificial Intelligence is now commonplace. It is more the rule than the exception. Presently AI is being regulated by the makers of AI themselves. It is like asking the makers of guns to regulate themselves. Only governments have the prerogative to regulate AI. Stephen Hawking correctly said, “Without a world government, technology will destroy us.”

That is true as we see with the release of ChatGPT, which some liken to an atom bomb. What we are witnessing is a global tsunami that will destroy every service economy. Or to put it in another way, humanity is being cooked on a slow fire. Both blue-collar and white-collar jobs are disappearing. Humanity is getting “cornered,” as shown in the graphs below:

“Announcing that your product could destroy mankind, excites investors. They think that you’re about to release a stronger product,” said James Barrat while commenting on the Generative AI race which he terms as a suicide race.

See also these documentaries on the status quo:

This is a real existential threat to humanity. Those who say otherwise are liars. We need to allow God to handle this real and present danger to humanity.

AgapeJUST offers the urgently needed world government solution by way of coopting AI and restoring agency to man. The result is a beyond-AI Super-Augmented Persona & eThrone that works in a Tie’d Environment (patent pending). It needs to be deployed soon. If done right, we can not only avert a catastrophe but also restore mankind to its genesis perfect divine state.

AgapeJUST is a company with Christian values such as honesty and integrity.

“Honesty means exactly what it says. We are honest and trustworthy in all our dealings. People can trust our word, because we refuse to lie or shade the truth.”

— Billy Graham

We humbly propose that we fit the bill for this clearly needed trustworthy entity. These are my Callings/Awards from the living God to serve as Son of David:

As God’s Elect Son of David/Messiah, it is the proverbial Mt. Everest that i am climbing. With a history of psychiatric disorders, my life is a paradox. But it is true: God is in fact contending that this Servant of His become King—first among equals—of the Common Wealth of Jesus Christ (ישוע המשיח | المسيح عيسى | యేసు ప్రభవు).

Based on these genuine awards of His, here i stand!

Rhema just now: Matthew 22:45; Jude 18-19; Isaiah 40:2-3.


Believer’s Baptism = First Resurrection

“Passed from death into Life.” John 5:24; Romans 6:4.

What is our faith, my dear brothers and sisters, if we do not believe that, according to scripture, we actually rose again from the dead in the Waters of Baptism?!

The First Resurrection is the Born-Again experience! We—the born again believers—will not see the Second Death (Revelation 20:6). Born again means just what it says: It is a new birth—a resurrection from the dead. The old has passed away, the new has come. We are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Believe it with a child-like faith what the scriptures declare!

We did hear the voice of Jesus when the minister of God (the mouth piece of God) preached the Good News to us and we were quickened. We rose from our graves (i.e. the Waters of Baptism), being quickened by His Spirit, just as Jesus said in John 5:28-29.

Just because we do not see the unseen doesn’t mean it does not exist. Apostle Paul says, the things that are seen are temporal but the things that are unseen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).

May God give us the sight to see that we are actually living & walking an eternal life already! This life was onset when we were born-again (resurrected) of the Water and the Spirit, according to our Lord Jesus in John 3:5.

My Calling—Validated

My “Calling” of Son of David & Christ was substantiated scripturally and presented to a Christian Psychiatrist, who found them to be valid. However, some may still find my claims unacceptable, which is understandable, given that they deal with something of biblical proportions.

This Calling is not my fertile imagination, which no doubt could be delusional. Therefore, we are asked not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:3-4). Call it a ‘lottery,’ but this Calling is God’s Rhema Word directed at me through the foolproof mechanism of taking a Word from the Bible at random, just as Jesus did back then and found His own Calling. See Luke 4:16-21.

“The dice are thrown, but the LORD determines every outcome.”

Proverbs 16:33

I believe, my bi-polar condition is not really a “disorder.” Paradoxically, it’s the basic qualification required to be the Christ, the Expected One.

It is not without a reason why most bi-polar people in particular think that they are the Christ. Jesus Himself said many will come saying that they are the Christ (Matthew 24:5). The fact that counterfeits (for the lack of a better word) or those who are in the race, are out there in the world is a clear indication that an original too is very much present among these same bi-polar people. What’s more, this so-called, ‘disorder’ is really a gift of God to me. It is an Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Christ = Anointed One.

Also, God’s power gets amplified through this nutcase. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

“God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.”

1 Corinthians 1:27-29

God said:

‘”My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect [or made manifest] in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.’

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

It is precisely because of my weakness that i was elected by God. For, if it had been due to some strength that i had, then i would have something to boast about. It is by this weakness that the invisible-God-in-me is being glorified. These epiphany Rhemas were got not through any influence of my mind but through a foolproof-mechanism of picking the Word at random from the Bible, “not leaning on my own understanding” (mind). My mind had no role to play here. Therefore, i believe, no one can say that my mind is playing tricks on me!

More about my Calling may be found in my book, which is really a marriage proposal to the Bride of Christ.

Other Validations

By Rev. Dr. Billy Graham:

I was a foul-mouth at one time, scolding my wife on the phone. Instead of falling apart, the spirit of Dr. Billy Graham cleaved to me ever more closely and said these words of affirmation as i stepped into my bedroom. I heard these words in this clip even as i thought the Holy Spirit had left me.

By Rev. Dr. John Piper:

I clicked on a YouTube message (from which i clipped this one) by Dr. John Piper and quickly went to the rest room, which is situated a distance away. As i walked back from the rest room to my bedroom, i was meditating on why the Holy Spirit was calling me at one time “Righteous Father” (John 17:25-26) and at other times “Christ Jesus” (Galatians 4:14). I thought to myself, hmm 🤔, i can’t be both (on hindsight i can indeed be possessed by all the Three). And then as i stepped into my bedroom, i heard the video playing at this point of the clip.

Wow! The spirits of two great saints affirming my Calling!

Dr. Piper has also sent me his book, Come, Lord Jesus,” which i receive as an affectionate letter to me.

More about that Calling (“Come, Lord Jesus”) in this article: CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM: Coming to America or on Mount of Olives?

Now consider these statistics:

  • Christianity is the major religious group in the world, at 33.5%:

  • The United States has the major share (11.3%) of Christians in the world:

All these statistics go to confirm that Christ Jesus will come in the United States. That is my understanding and the common sense wisdom that Sadhguru discerned from a third person’s point of view in this clip:

That statement by Sadhguru makes all the sense because not only is Christianity a majority (31.5%) in the world and the United States possessing the major share of that (11.3%), but Christianity is also the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).

It is a fact that there are Christians worldwide–the great diaspora. But Jesus comes to those who are “eagerly waiting for Him!” And what greater awaiting is there than to corporately await as a nation! Surely, there is a reward for those who “love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.” 

Psalm 33:12

God has been telling me again and again to go to the “other side” of the “sea” (world/earth).

So this Son of David is making every effort to come there soon!

Thank you for your prayers on my behalf.

Also check out my blog, AgapeAmbassador.com for other articles.

Laws of a Land & Law of God

First off, all authorities are instituted by God. Romans 13:1-7. However, due to corruption in the flesh, many governing authorities too around the world are not in the Order set by God. But Christ came onto this earth two thousand years ago and payed the way to set right that disorder. And laws were being framed and established in countries throughout the earth. And down through the ages nations have put their trust in Christ either in heart (by deed through practice) and/or in mind (by word through profession). The laws of countries that are closely aligned with God’s Law & Order will have favour with Him at the Judgement Seat of Christ when He comes the second time in glory.

Now there are crimes and there are sins.

Crimes are sins against one’s neighbor. And punishments are set for them which are a no-brainer.

And then there are sins. Some consider sins as only against an invisible impotent God that they can give a wink to and absolve the sinner from any wrongdoing at a confessional, the doors of which according to them are always open. No doubt John 20:21-23 teaches about such confessionals and God is also longsuffering, forgiving us again and again, pouring on us grace upon grace. But confer with Luke 12:47-48 & Hebrews 10:26-31 and understand that willful sin deserves triple punishment.

Sin is transgression of the Law. 1 John 3:4.

And the Laws that stood the test of time are those set forth in the Bible, keeping of which enabled the Lord Jesus Christ to rise from the dead.

The TEN COMMANDMENTS form the core of the Bible. And these TEN happen to be self-evident laws. God engraved them on stone because they have permanency.

Messianic Complex or Calling?

Dear Doctor (Psychiatrist):

Thank you for understanding me to some extent and cutting down on the medication that i must take!

However, my battle has not stopped.

I believe and understand that the complaint from my family still exists. It is only with respect to my Calling of Son of David and not with any other issue.

Once again, this👇🏽 is my case that I wish to place before you for your verdict. Does it even make any psychological or rational sense? As I am not sure what my mind is saying about me, your verdict or ratification is crucial to me to get on with my ministry or service to the world as Son of David. But shame on those, who have been shadow-banning and censoring this otherwise handicapped person. Be it a government, an organization, or a corporation, if they are not cowards, who can fight a legal battle with me, let them show their faces and come face-to-face with me.

Nonetheless, as far as i am concerned, i don’t believe my psychiatric problem is even an issue to me because God has actually made me a differently-abled person, allowing me to overcome the stigma and prove myself as an inventor, not a mentally deranged person. You see, as the proverb says, “Necessity is the mother of invention!” Today, i am the inventor of patent pending Internet-of-Things (IoT), Throttled Big Data, Metaverse, Augmented Persona (which is a beyond AI technology), and Christocratic New World Order.

The supposed “weakness” has also enabled me to “self-actualize” and get into the shoes of a Son of David—a world governor. It has enabled me to climb the proverbial Mount Everest—the Throne of David. This would not have been possible if i was merely a normal person, thinking only with basic common sense and being a mediocre person without any “messianic complex!” But it is not even a messianic complex. It is a “Calling!” And it’s source is from something external to me. Note: Jesus of Nazareth found His Calling in the Book of Isaiah and this event is chronicled in Luke 4:16-21, the Holy Bible. Likewise, i too saw this way of finding God’s will as a fool-proof mechanism to receive only what God is saying and not my own delusions or my mind playing tricks on me. God has been gracious to me and has provided me with His Word of affirmation of my Calling. Just like He did for David (Psalm 18:16), Creator of the universe has stooped down and has comforted me, encouraged me and has greatly guided me. With suicidal thoughts that were earlier coming into my mind from Satan, it is only because of God’s real presence with me, who has been comforting me all along, that i am even alive today and talking to you. It is He, who gets amplified in this weak vessel. “When I am weak, then I am strong [with God providing His great almighty strength to me]” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Only a crazy man in his craziness is actually competent enough to attempt to form the badly needed world government that i am attempting to provide to today’s world-in-crisis.

I have published several books of mine:


If you are interested in a success story of a patient of yours, please check out my autobiography (“This Ram is Born Again”) and my marriage proposal to the Bride of Christ (“Capstone & Christocratic New World Order”).

May God richly bless your high-end care and ministry!


Caleb Suresh Motupalli

Why Jesus Himself Will Not Come As Judge

A reasonable point of CLARITY for action:

As we are dealing with 2000 years of waiting by humanity for the expected one, it is a tall order to claim being that one. Therefore, God has blessed me with enough titles in order to instill confidence within me. But i am not Jesus of Nazareth as some spirits think i am.


Through this Rhema just a few days ago, I am rather Son of Jesus, heir to everything Jesus owns.

Also, it is not Jesus who will judge, but rather another who will judge based on the Words of Jesus (see John 12:47-48). This judge could be Father God or this adopted Son of Jesus. If Father God is the judge, there will be a conflict of interest because Father and Son are one party. A neutral person is required to judge Satan, his angels and all who follow him. Therefore, the expected one has to be this adopted one.

“Indeed the Father has committed all judgement to the Son (Lord Jesus Christ)” (John 5:22).

But note these Words of the Lord:

“If anyone hears my (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. There is a judge (yours truly) for the one who rejects me (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. (John 12:47-48 NIV)

Neither the Father nor the natural Son (Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Virgin Mary) will undertake the judgement because of conflict of interest.

God has waited six thousand years to judge Satan and his angels. It is not without reason that there is such a long wait.

The reason: Conflict of Interest!

I am not a self-proclaimed judge of the world. I am just a Software Engineer, who has been yanked out of my profession and made Immanuel, Son of David, etc.

Conflict of interest is “a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.” (Oxford dictionary)

Conflict of Interest w.r.t God

God’s archenemy is Satan. But God does not take unilateral decision to destroy Satan. The Law of Conflict of Interest that He gave through Moses and upheld by the Son was that there be present at least two or three witnesses to bind or loose someone (Hebrews 10:28; Matthew 18:16).

God waited six thousand years to judge Satan and his followers. God applies that same Law to Himself as well (praise the Lord!). God, Son and Holy Spirit are one party. A conflict of interest would arise if any of them is judge. Therefore, a 100% human is needed to judge Satan and all his followers, without there being any conflict of interest. It turns out that yours truly was chosen and given that honor. But the Judge really is the Law itself. “The very words I (Lord Jesus Christ) have spoken will condemn them at the last day.” (John 12:48b NIV)

Precursor to Fire

In view of Luke 12:47-48; Hebrews 10:26-31; Colossians 1:24; Hebrews 9:22; John 20:21-23, i have invented a solution for absolving Willful Sin–a remedy from being cast into hell for sons and daughters of God in particular (Matthew 8:11-12).

At the outset, Salvation is only through Jesus and not through any other God. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

This Precursor to Fire Baptism is also a proclamation about the veracity of hell to the whole wide world.

After being born-again and baptized, God is engineering our divinity (sanctification):

Once we are born-again, we are not immediately translated to heaven–we remain in this body, the “tent.” Due to inertia, we do sin inadvertently/unknowingly, for which we can avail the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the time of keeping short accounts with God and introspection around the Lord’s Table (Breaking of Bread & Foot-washing).

Since repentance is a condition for receiving forgiveness, only our “former sins” (Romans 3:25), that is, our “past sins” (2 Peter 1:9) before the time of being born-again, are forgiven. Sinning unknowingly or inadvertantly are also considered as past sins for which one can avail the blood of Christ because opportunity for conscious repentance has yet to be given for those sins. You see, there is no such thing as “inexhaustible source of salvation” (Pope Francis) nor any promise of “inexhaustible, blood-bought, Christ-exalting future grace” (Dr. John Piper). Our Lord Jesus was in the belly of the earth only for a fixed period of three days and three nights to pay for our sins during a fixed period. That means, it is a limited sacrifice that pays only for our past sins up until the time we are born-again.

God has designed Salvation and described it in scripture without a leak or a loophole in it. Only “ungodly people pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality” (Jude 1:4). These ignoble proponents of Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS) theory have the audacity to even say, “sin like the devil, and you will not lose your salvation.” Their “condemnation was written about long ago” (Jude 1:4). What these people are peddling is the “doctrine of demons” (1 Tim 4:1-2) that was once upon a time fed into the ears of Eve, saying, “Ye shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4).

That they were never saved to begin with, does not cut it. It’s a cop-out!

When we sin, God chastises us. As Brother Suri put it, “When we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world” (1 Cor 11:32). But there are many whose “consciences have been seared as with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1-2). That is, their conscience–through which we get the promptings and the convictions of the Holy Spirit–is dead. For these, no amount of chastisement will avail anything. “To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace” (Hebrews 6:6). Since they “sin willfully after having received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for [their] sins” (Hebrews 10:26). They must pay for their own sins.

Paul says in Colossians 1:24:

“Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.”

That Paul paid with his affliction what was lacking in Christ’s affliction goes to say there is no more sacrifice of Jesus left in their case. And since there is no forgiveness for sins without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22; Leviticus 17:11), Paul had to step in with his own sacrifice for us. See also 2 Corinthians 4:10-12; Galatians 6:17; Philippians 2:17 where Paul again speaks of his payment for our sins. And yes, God gives some the unction to forgive sins in general (John 20:21-23). That is in fact the function of the office of the priest.

The Precursor kicks-in when we give into sinning knowingly and willfully, for which there is no more sacrifice–of Jesus or of the members of the Body–remaining to cleanse us of these willful sins (Hebrews 10:26) and receive forgiveness.

Therefore, i invented this Provision with the authority and Calling of Son of David/Immanuel given me. It is a Precursor to Baptism of Fire for the apostate as a remedy for that inescapable situation that one can potentially find himself in. This is more relevant now even as the Second Coming and the Judgement Day draws nigh.

As this “proceeds from faith” (Romans 14:23), those who follow up with the Precursor have shaved off their heads as a symbolic sign of confession and of pleading guilty that they deserve to burn in hell fire, beginning with their hair. They acknowledge that they are a type of Joshua, “a brand plucked from fire” (Zechariah 3:1-8; Jude 23). And just as Zacchaeus gave away half of his net worth (Luke 19:1-10), they may also make a freewill offering to the Church voluntarily. (All proceeds should go to take care of the poor, the sick, the widows, the elderly, the orphans, and for the glory of God, as decided & managed by the Church.) And according to the authority vested in a servant of God/priest/pastor (John 20:21-23), he may declare the absolution. But if it is a sin against a neighbor, restitution must first be made according to Matthew 5:23-24.

As questioned by Brother Zephaniah: How can we say that the Precursor is approved by God and is not a “strange fire” (Leviticus 10:1-3 KJV) or “unbiblical,” as also being asserted by Brother John Bishop?

Brother Newton Reginald and Brother John Bishop concur and say:

“God said that the wages of sin is death. People committing willful sin will have to face fire on the judgement day. Because God is going to come down second time not as a sheep but as a judge. No mercy anymore. God will forgive people who are unknowingly committing sin; HIS Blood on the Cross is the remedy for unknowingly sinning but no mercy for willful sinners.”

My answer is:

  1. The novel Provision is made according to the Law and to the Testimony (Isaiah 8:20; cf. Matthew 13:52);
  2. The Precursor “proceeds from faith,” both on the part of this Designer and those who perform it (Romans 14:23); and
  3. It is in view of the inescapable situation (truth) that one who has sinned willfully finds himself in. As Brother John Phillip correctly points out, “Of course there cannot be another sacrifice but there has to be [a] forgiveness and cleansing,” i.e. a way out. The Precursor designed by this Son of David is the way out and an answer/solution when one becomes aware of his/her willful sin!

May God bless our meditation of scripture and accept our offering! And may God engineer our divinity!

And the Rhema just now is: Matthew 8:9,10; 11-13.

This god in the Third Temple

That Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2Thessalonians2:3-4NKJV)

I have the eerie feeling that that person is me. Once upon a time i was indeed a “man of sin,” but now an adopted son of God and even a Son of David by decree. We Christians understand this cleansing very well even though many do not act as they do. But for Hindus, Jews and Muslims they will perhaps once again tear their robes and say: This sinner will be “doomed to destruction.” I believe God has those sticky verses in Bible so that only someone who is really and truly a god like Jesus based on what God Himself told him, could be brave enough to take his seat there in the Third Temple. If those verses were not present in the Bible, surely Trump, who claims to be the Chosen One, would have taken his seat there by now. (See Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?) But now that those uncomfortable verses are present in the Bible, and as Christ must rule the earth eventually, only the true Christ will have the guts to take his seat there in the Third Temple. In other words, the Throne of David is well protected! “Truth is so precious that it should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies” (Winston Churchill as cited by Ravi Zacharias).

In view of Injil/Gospel John 10:35 of the Bible, which by virtue of the sap/Holy Spirit/Rhema-Word indeed flowing to me directly from God, makes me a true god (a Son of God by decree & right—a part of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేముడు) over and above any “so-called god or object of worship.” As for you, do not be among the “condemned who did not believe the truth (incl. my testimony that i am in communion with the Creator God) but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2Thessalonians2:12 NKJV)–the unbelievers, who “crave” (Matthew 12:39) for signs and wonders such as a physical rapture.

Therefore, it is too simplistic to say: “It is the antichrist who will take his seat in the third temple ‘proclaiming himself’ to be God.” I ask: “Where then is room for the real Christ for whom we pray daily and ask God, saying, ‘Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’?”

Accordingly, as i also have the eThrone invention, which is designed to be set up in the Distributed Augmented Third Temple in Jerusalem for providing World Governance services to prevent machine tyranny, globalization tsunami, terrorism, etc. See eThrone.org

I see right there👆🏾 the prophesied “cloud” (Daniel7:13; Matthew24:30) and the 24 Elders seated on their thrones (Revelation 11:16). The tech world has caught on to cloud computing & cloud services much faster than the children of righteousness. Using my Super Augmented Persona (5A) invention (patent pending), the Distributed Augmented Third Temple can be seen with a meatspace of the physical Third Temple in Jerusalem virtually merged/ integrated with the distributed spiritual membership of Christ’s Body. Therewith, we have the fulfillment of the prophecy, “the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Revelation 21:22).

SUPER-AUGMENTED PERSONA: Meatspace (20) Integrated and Augmented with Cyberspace (21) (group setting):

AUGMENTED PERSONA: Meatspace Integrated and Augmented with Cyberspace (individual level):

eThrone & Third Temple — A Solution to the Present Crisis:

But as for riding the clouds, i literally did ride the clouds on September 1, 1988 AD. In the fullness of time, God prepared an aeroplane for me to do just that.

As for AGAPE.CLOUD Online Rapture, please check out these two short videos:

And there are others who say that the “bodily resurrection of the dead” must take place first, before the Second Coming of Christ. Here is my short answer to that misconception:

In there👆🏾 i also share in simple language the design and architecture of the Third Temple–the “One New Man” (Ephesians 2:15).

Christ needs nothing from us but He rejoices in using simple things like mud, 5 loaves of bread and two fish, clothes for himself, etc. He does not need even a body. But He rejoiced to use Mary as a vessel for His birth. Likewise, he will use our gifts of technology for His glory.

My Callings:

Among many other titles, God has also called me “Immanuel” (god with us). You can’t get better than that!

As you can see, it is not me who exalts me. It is God who is exalting me! See Matthew 23:12.

As i very well know what delusions are by nature, and even wrote my autobiography with the subtitle, “At Crossroads with Faith & Delusions,” i have made a foolproof mechanism to ensure that it is good LORD Almighty God–someone external to me, not my own mind playing tricks on me–who is talking to me.

I commit to you these two verses for your meditation:

“For thrones are set there for judgment, The thrones of the house of David.” (Ps 122:5)

“He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David” (Luke 1:32)–a promise conferred to me twice by God.

Moreover, these three things the Jewish people believe is the mark of their Messiah, who will be one risen from among humanity and that which some Church leaders say is the mark of the antichrist:

1) One who will form a One World Government;
2) One who will bring peace between Muslims, Jews, Christians and Hindus; and
3) One who will build an Augmented Third Temple in Jerusalem with an eThrone.

I for one am pursuing those very three things using God-given gifts.

Thanks for prayerfully considering these things.

🐕 Caleb Suresh Motupalli
Son of David by election of God
