Faith + Fruit Paradigm

Matt 22:12; 1 Tim 2:9-10; Rev 19:8


Acts 3:19

The following posts represent a fundamental paradigm shift in the ethic on which America is founded. That is, a shift away from “Sola Fide” and onto Faith + Fruit:

  • “We understood that Christianity is defined by obeying the Word of God,” Mark Anderson says. “The idea that one could actually be a Christian but not obey the Great Commission was unthinkable. We would never count ourselves Christians if we didn’t share our faith with people.” – Decision Magazine

Even though we acknowledge a noticeable shift in the stance in the above post, this Son of David gave the following clarification to dear Brother David Mathis:

Sin of Omission: James 4:17.

cf. Matthew 25:31-46; 15:3-9

2 Tim 3:7

cf. Phil3:9; Rom4:5

Isa 64:6; 61:10; Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9; 1Tim2:9-10; Rev19:8; 2Cor5:4ESV

As you can see, Salvation doesn’t come through easy believism

or with some sort of fire insurance.

cf. Isa 64:6; Rev19:8

Detailed slideshow:

Humility + Grace + Faith + Fruit (Works) => Salvation


Rom 8:13; cf. Rom 6:23; Gen 3:4


2 Corinthians 10:1-13; Romans 6:22; James 1:12


Eph1:3-14; 2Cor5:21; cf. Jn15:1-10

Therefore, we need to get BUSY bearing fruit. But not by wearing ourselves down (Matt6:25-31) but rather joyfully and passionately (Titus2:14). And White-collar work is of a higher category.

However, now is not the time for endless talk, “ever learning,” and dilly dallying.

We want to be Friend’s missionaries in the true sense of the term by offering winning fruit w.r.t economic development because our invention, as you know, benefits the Service Industry/economy, which is what India is, unlike the American counterpart, which is a Capitalistic Industrial Economy.

As our data is being data-mined by the wrong parties, we are making our business plan pitches to raise funding for both our lines of business here.

  • IoT — ECOSYSTEM market is $14.4T:
  • AUGMENTED — Leisure market alone for Person ® AUGMENTED (Transhuman) is $1T:

The main selling points being:

TiE’d People & Things speaks of encapsulating all things in an ecosystem and marrying them–as members in a body–to the head (user).


Person® AUGMENTED has great potential because it speaks of a person who would modestly be telling everyone that he is merely a 2019 person, albeit with divinity/transhumanity, but without the hype and frills of a sci-fi cyborg or droid connotations. And most of the software is available as API. Just need to integrate that with our Metaphor User Interface. Voila! We will have a superman (transhuman) without all the hype!

However great an AI product maybe, if they can’t create real value, it is a sheer waste. As for us, we will deliver a Holy-Spirit-Engineered Person® or as Pastor Rick Warren puts it, a “Because-You-Say-So Person®” per Luke5:5.

Now, absolute truth does not preclude us from being progressive. To remain as we are (i.e. conservative), apparently unchanging (immutable) like God, would be the last thing Christ would want from us.

Willingness to change (flexibility) is really strength.

So our daunting work, which happens to be progressive (not conservative), is this:

When we pay some money for something, we ourselves are entering into a partnership with the truth (or the lack thereof) of that particular GOOD by investing or putting our heart into it by way of purchasing it. In other words, “we live with the decisions we make and how our heart feels about them” (Jaana Uolamo). Therefore, albeit being invaluable, we are thinking of charging a price for the above Holy Goods & Services. Also, a set price will make the purchaser committed to using it, being that he/she will not view it as being cheap. Moreover, it will give us the needed incentive to work harder.


“If he does not listen to you, then go and tell it to the Church” (Matt18:15-17).

Moreover, we seek to be answerable and accountable to the Church-at-large. This is a Church-undertaking.

It is: For the Church, By the Church, and In the Church!

My wife Anna says, “If you can imagine & picture it, it will happen.”

You see, today, with Pastors sticking to Sunday worship service, supposedly in keeping with John2:16KJV (cf. Matthew21:13; Mark11:17; Luke19:46), the Church is perceived as merely a 24×1 institution, completely severed from 24×6. (see 24×7 Testimony).

When the Church succeeds, we would have to decide what to maximize. Some of the choices (adapted from, in increasing order of value:

  1. Salaries for the bosses
  2. Distributions to the shareholders
  3. Stock price
  4. Salaries for all members of the Church
  5. Positive impact on customers
  6. Positive impact on the culture–the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively–of Agape KINGDOM. A light in a dark world; A city set on a hill is not hidden!

So our stance in our current engagement (cf. Acts 16:6) with the Gentile world is:

“Faith + Fruit” paradigm goes to the extent of making Agape® KINGDOM a nation of brands:


Caleb Surésh (SitaRam) Motupalli
Son of David | Agape Ambassador | Agape® JUST [P] Ltd.
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם |
29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India
Phone: +91.866.2438805

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