The Proverbial Noahic Flood


15 April 2018 AD

The Proverbial Noahic Flood:

O yes, it is not business as usual! Cf. Matt16:2-3.

Amen/agreement from two Agape JUSTICES (Rick Warren & Charles Stanley).

Let us now complete the online (spiritual) rapture to

(a.k.a: New Ark | Agape TiE Ecosystem | Agape Kingdom | Spiritual ZION | New Moriah | Living Mount of Olives | Table for Nations | Agape Throne | Greater Hebron)

and shut the door.

Looking for other Agape JUSTICES as well to concur with this decision.

But there were suddenly “strange speakers” (as Brother Banerjee Moriah declared in the Holy Spirit that very Sunday), namely, two newborn baby pigeons in a nest in our kitchen exhaust, chirping, just when my wife (Kutta | Anna Motupalli) was telling me in disgust that i achieved nothing (no fruit) after coming back from the USA in 1999 and that it was a big mistake.

Cf. Fig tree of Luke13:6ff & Sealing the bond-servants of God (Rev7:3).

Caleb Suresh (formerly SitaRam) Motupalli | Son of David
@AgapeAmbassador on Twitter
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם Trust
29-37-31 El-ur Road, Vijayawada – 520002, AP, India
Phone: +91.866.2438805

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